In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to make photo booth templates using Photoshop. These techniques will also show you how to create a photo collage, as the skills are transferable. So if you’d like to make fun photo booth strip template designs or create photo collage templates of your own, stay tuned.

What You Will Need
This tutorial uses the following assets to create a photobooth template:
- Hand Drawn Floral Illustrations
- Hand Drawn Doodle Patterns
- 300+ Vector Sticker Set
- Heart in Song Handwriting Font
- Photographs: Dog Photo #1, Dog Photo #2, Dog Photo #3
You are welcome to download these assets and follow along or use alternative assets of your choice.
1. How to Make Photo Booth Templates Using Photoshop
Step 1
Begin your photo booth template by creating a New Document. Do this by going to File > New in Adobe Photoshop.
For this demonstration, we’ll create a document that is 11 inches high by 8.5 inches wide, at 300 DPI. This would be an appropriate resolution for printing.
However, keep in mind that you can work at any size that you like. If, for example, you’d prefer to create an Instagram photo booth template for use exclusively online, you may not need to work at a print resolution. For example, an Instagram photo booth template might be better at 1080 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall, if you'd like to create a square Photoshop collage template for this platform.
Choose the size options that work best for you and what you’d like for your photobooth template. Then, click Create when you’re happy with your values.

Step 2
Let's begin by adding some content to our background, so the beginnings of our photobooth template will be easier to see. This is optional, but helpful.
I used this wood texture image from Envato Elements. Simply Open the image, Copy, and then Paste into our photobooth template.
Tip: You can lower the opacity if you'd like this optional background element to be lighter.

Step 3
Next, select the Rectangle Tool. It's located in the Tools panel. If you don't see it, it might be nested under your other Shape Tools. It's highlighted in the screenshot, below.

Step 4
With your Rectangle Tool selected, make sure your Fill Color is set to white and your Stroke Color is Off. We can find these options up in the Options panel, with the Rectangle Tool selected.

Step 5
Now, click and drag, with the Rectangle Tool still selected, to draw a long, white rectangle. This will serve as the base for our photo booth template.
Notice that Photoshop puts our newly drawn rectangle on a new layer.

Step 6
Next, let's turn to our Rectangle Tool again.
Before we draw another rectangle, let's change our Fill Color again. This time, choose a light gray color. This will be a placeholder color, so we can more easily see this shape against the white photo booth template base.

Step 7
Before we draw our new rectangle, create a New Layer in your Layers panel. This way, our light gray rectangle will be on its own layer.
Click on the plus icon at the bottom of the Layers panel to make a New Layer.

Step 8
Now, with this newly created layer selected, draw a rectangle by clicking and dragging with the Rectangle Tool. Again, this new rectangle should be a light gray color. This is our first photo in the photo booth strip template.
Draw it at the top of the white strip by clicking and dragging, or, use the Move Tool to position your newly drawn rectangle accordingly.

Step 9
We could draw more rectangles to define more photo areas in our photobooth template. If you're looking to create more of a Photoshop collage template look, then continue drawing rectangles at varied sizes. You can create a really cool photo collage by working with rectangles of different shapes and sizes.
However, in a photo booth strip template, the photos tend to be the same size, all in a row. To achieve this effect, we'll copy the rectangle we've already drawn.
Select the layer with the light gray rectangle on it. Then go to Layer > Duplicate Layer to copy it. We're given a dialog prompt here, where we can name our duplicate. Click OK to create the duplicate layer.
Repeat this until we have three copies of the light gray rectangle.
Tip: You can rename your layers, for organizational purposes, by clicking on the name of the layer in the Layers panel.

Step 10
Select the first light gray rectangle layer in your Layers panel. Then, right-click on PC or Command-click on Mac and select Convert to Smart Object.
Once you've done so, you'll notice that the icon on the layer's thumbnail has changed. This indicates that this layer now contains a Smart Object.

Step 11
Repeat this step for each light gray rectangle in your composition. In the end, we want three separate Smart Objects. This is one for each photo in our photo booth strip template.

Step 12
Now, let's add some extras to our photobooth template. We don't want things to just look like a bunch of boring squares.
Let's add a Layer Style to our photos, to help make things look more natural. Select the first light gray rectangle layer in your composition. Then, click on the Layer Styles icon, at the bottom of the Layers panel. Select Inner Shadow.

Step 13
Here's what our Layer Style options look like. We want the following values for our Inner Shadow:
- Blend Mode set to Multiply
- Blend Mode Color set to Black
- Opacity 35%
- Angle 90%
- Distance 4
- Choke 0%
- Size 21 px
These are recommended values. Feel free to experiment and work with any values you prefer. Toggle Preview On to get a preview of how these values affect your work, before you commit to them. Click OK when you're happy with them.

Step 14
And here's what our photo looks like with this Inner Shadow applied. It's a slight addition, but it helps make things look a bit less flat.
Rather than repeating the last step again, we can right-click on PC or Command-click on Mac and select Copy Layer Style.

Step 15
Then, go to one of the other light gray rectangle layers. Right-click on PC or Control-click on Mac, and then we can select Paste Layer Style. Now, our Inner Shadow is easily applied on this layer too.
Repeat this process until all three of our light gray photo placeholders have the same Inner Shadow applied to them.

Step 16
We can add even more extras to our photo booth strip template too. Let's try adding some fun, illustrative elements to the white part of our photo strip. We'll be using these hand-drawn floral illustrations by vintagio in this example.
Begin by opening up the illustration in Adobe Photoshop. Then, copy and paste it into your photo booth strip template.
You can resize images by going to Edit > Free Transform. This allows you to drag the resize handles to scale your inserted image. Use the Move Tool to arrange it on the photo strip.

Step 17
Since we want this illustration applied only to the white part of the photo strip, position it below the light gray photo rectangles in our Layers panel. It should be right above our larger white rectangle.
Here's an example of what your layers should look like.

Step 18
With our illustration layer selected, right-click on PC or Control-click on Mac, and select Create Clipping Mask. Notice how the layer becomes indented with an arrow pointing downwards to the layer beneath it. This is a visual cue that tells us a clipping mask is in action here.
Now, the illustration is only applied to the white part of our photo strip.

Step 19
Repeat this process with as many illustrative or decorative elements as you'd like. I used the same floral illustration on the opposite side of the photo booth strip template too.
Then, I also applied a strip of hand-drawn doodles by Youandigraphics to the base and top of the photo strip. Add as many decorative elements as you like. Have fun with it!

Step 20
We can apply some color effects to these decorative elements too. Create a New Layer above our illustrations, and follow the same process to turn it into a Clipping Mask.
Then, using the Paint Bucket Tool, fill the layer with a green color. Set this layer's Blending Mode to Screen.
Now, our illustrations have a green color, instead of black.

Step 21
We can apply decorative elements on top of the template too. For example, check out this fun vector sticker pack—there are over 300 stickers to choose from.
I copied and pasted some of these stickers into the photo booth template. Make sure they're at the top of your layers, so it looks as if they've been "stuck" on top.

Step 22
We can also easily add some text to our photo booth strip template. Choosing a fun, handwritten font can help make it look more like handwriting at the bottom of your photo strip.
Select the Text Tool. Then, click on your photobooth template and begin to type as you would in most word-processing software. You'll notice that Photoshop puts the text on a new layer for you.
To change things like the font size, font color, and the font itself, turn to the Character panel. You can find it by going to Window > Character.
I used the cute handwritten font Heart in Song.

Step 23
Now, we have a functional photobooth template design. Make sure to save your work by going to File > Save.
This process can be a fun way to come up with photo booth template ideas that you can reuse and remix as much as you like. Try different photo sizes. Try different stickers or illustrations. With Smart Objects, you can reuse your photo booth template for as many different photos as you like.

2. How to Use a Photobooth Template With Smart Objects
Step 1
Now, let's add our photos to our newly created photo booth template.
One of the best things about working with Smart Objects is how easy they are to use. Go to your Layers panel, and double-click on the layer thumbnail on one of your light gray photo placeholder layers. These should all be Smart Objects, if you followed the tutorial steps.

Step 2
Photoshop will automatically take us into a separate PSB. This is the "inside" of our Smart Object.

Step 3
Open up whatever photo you'd like to insert into your photobooth template. I'm going to use this photo of a cute puppy. Copy and Paste the photo into this PSB document.
Once you've got the photo pasted into this space, go to File > Save to save the document.

Step 4
Now, let's go back to our photobooth template. You'll notice that Photoshop has inserted the photo into the template for us.
Repeat this process for as many photo placeholders (Smart Objects) as you've created in your template.
The process is the same if you're looking to create photo collage templates or simulate a cool photo collage look instead of a photo strip. Your Smart Objects can be any size you prefer.

What Kind of Photo Booth Template Ideas Will You Try?
There are so many different directions you could take when developing your own photobooth template. The best part about creating a photo collage template Photoshop file of your own is that you can reuse it and adapt it into all kinds of different designs.
You can get rid of the background elements (like the wood texture) and then print this design on photo paper. Or you can keep it digital and post this to your socials or share with family and friends.

Now that you know the basics of how to create a photo collage or photobooth template, what will you create?
If you're looking for even more photo booth template ideas or even photo booth template designs that you can download now, check out these inspiring designs from Envato Elements.
1. Watercolor Photo Booth Templates (PSD, PNG)

These fun photo booth templates use colorful watercolor backgrounds. They could work for a wide variety of photos, from vacations to birthdays to happy memories.
2. Funny Collage Kit (PNG, SVG)

Check out this fun collection kit which contains a lot of different elements to use on your photo collages. You can create polaroid-like images. It comes included with a bunch of seamless patterns and hundreds of design elements!
3. Photoshop Collage Template (PSD)

Prefer a photo college look and feel? This photo collage effect will take a single photo and mix it up into a collection of several. It's a really fun and artistic effect.
4. Instagram Photo Booth Template Collage (PSD, Sketch)

Specifically looking for photobooth templates for Instagram? Check out this one. It has several different aesthetics you can experiment with.
5. Photoshop Collage Template Collection (PSD)

Here's a fun collection of different Photoshop collage template designs you can try out with your favorite photos. There are several options for you to try out. Give it a download today.
Looking to Learn More About Adobe Photoshop?
Want to learn more about Photoshop, digital scrapbooking, and other fun design topics? Check out these free tutorials from Envato Tuts+ today.
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