Friday, May 14, 2021

How to Make a 3D Hologram Text Effect Photoshop Action

Final product imageFinal product imageFinal product image
What You'll Be Creating

Are you wondering how to create a hologram effect Photoshop action? Today, I will show you how to create 3D text effects with Photoshop layer styles. Using a simple motion blur filter on a layer style, we are going to create an amazing holographic text effect that looks as if it came out of a Star Wars film. You will also learn how to add actions to Photoshop and how to make cool Photoshop text effects fast with Photoshop actions. 

If you are looking for a hologram Photoshop action which will help you to create amazing effects in a few seconds, take a look at this Hologram Text Effects Set:

Hologram Text EffectsHologram Text EffectsHologram Text Effects

Tutorial Assets

The following assets were used during this tutorial:

  • KomikaHuna Font
  • Background image and pattern attached to this tutorial

What You'll Learn in This Photo Album Photoshop Tutorial

  • How to create a hologram effect in Photoshop using Layer Styles
  • How to create a hologram effect Photoshop action

Follow along with us over on our Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel:

1. How to Create a Hologram Effect in Photoshop Using Layer Styles

Step 1

Before we start recording the action, we first need to create the layer styles. This way, we can create an action with fewer steps, making it a lot easier to edit it later.

Download the zip file attached to this tutorial and extract it to any folder you like. Then open the Holo-Tuto-Background.jpg file with Photoshop.

3D text holographic background3D text holographic background3D text holographic background

Step 2

Now pick the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and set the font size to 175 pt and font to Komikahuna. Then write HOLO in the center of the document.

Base layer of the first layer styleBase layer of the first layer styleBase layer of the first layer style

Step 3

Go to the Layers panel and change the Fill of the HOLO layer to 0%. Then double-click on the same layer to open the Layer Style panel. After that, add a Color Overlay with these settings:

  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Color: #001f36
  • Opacity: 100%
adding color overlay layer stylesadding color overlay layer stylesadding color overlay layer styles

Step 4

Now add an Outer Glow with these settings:

  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Opacity: 64%
  • Noise: 0%
  • Color: #004377
  • Technique: Softer
  • Spread: 22%
  • Size: 73 px
  • Contour: Linear
  • Anti-aliased: On
  • Range: 100%
  • Jitter: 0%

After that, click on New Style and save it as HOLO - A

Don't close the Layer Style panel.

adding outer glow and creating a new layer styleadding outer glow and creating a new layer styleadding outer glow and creating a new layer style

Step 5

The first layer style is complete, so now we are going to create the second one.

Uncheck the Outer Glow to disable it. Then edit the Color Overlay with these settings:

  • Blend Mode: Soft Light
  • Color: #12b4ff
  • Opacity: 100%
adding color overlay styleadding color overlay styleadding color overlay style

Step 6

Add a Bevel & Emboss with these settings:

  • Style: Emboss
  • Technique: Smooth
  • Depth: 1000%
  • Direction: Up
  • Size: 9 px
  • Soften: 12 px
  • Use Global Light: Off
  • Angle: -95º
  • Altitude: 36º
  • Gloss Contour: Ring Double
  • Anti-aliased: On
  • Highlight Mode: Color Dodge. Color: #7ba4c6 Opacity: 86%
  • Shadow Mode: Hard Light. Color: #8fd1ff Opacity: 75%
adding bevel and emboss settings to layer styleadding bevel and emboss settings to layer styleadding bevel and emboss settings to layer style

Step 7

Add an Inner Shadow with these settings:

  • Blend Mode: Screen
  • Color: #009cff
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Use Global Light: Off
  • Angle: 90º
  • Distance: 19 px
  • Choke: 0%
  • Size: 32 px
  • Contour: Cone
  • Anti-aliased: On
  • Noise: 0%
adding inner shadow to the layer styleadding inner shadow to the layer styleadding inner shadow to the layer style

Step 8

Now, we're going to use the pattern that came in the zip file attached to this tutorial. It is a pretty simple white horizontal striped pattern. I created it with a white line and a transparent background. 

  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Opacity: 36%
  • Pattern: Holographic Pattern (Click on the thumbnail of the pattern to open the Pattern picker, then click on the little gear icon at the top right corner and choose Load Patterns. After that, select the Holographic Pattern that came in the zip file).
  • Scale: 150%
  • Link with Layer: On
adding pattern overlay to the layer styleadding pattern overlay to the layer styleadding pattern overlay to the layer style

Step 9

Add a Drop Shadow with these settings:

  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Color: #004280
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Use Global Light: On
  • Angle: -87º
  • Distance: 0 px
  • Spread: 16%
  • Size: 16 px
  • Contour: Linear
  • Anti-aliased: Off
  • Noise: 0%
  • Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: On

Then click on New Style and save it as HOLO - B. After that, close the Layer Style window.

adding drop shadow layer styleadding drop shadow layer styleadding drop shadow layer style

2. How to Create the Hologram Effect Photoshop Action

Step 1

Go to the Layers panel and select the HOLO layer. After that, go to Window > Actions to open the Actions panel. Then click on Create new set and name it My Text effects. After that, click on Create new action and name it Holographic Text effect

Now Photoshop is recording the actions you make. Keep an eye on the Actions panel. You can delete any mistake by selecting it and clicking on the trash bin icon.

Creating a new actionCreating a new actionCreating a new action

Step 2

Rename the HOLO layer to HOLO - A (be careful here—don't deselect the HOLO layer). Then right-click on it and choose Convert to Smart Object.

Converting the layer to a Smart ObjectConverting the layer to a Smart ObjectConverting the layer to a Smart Object

Step 3

Now press Control-T to activate the Transform. Then uncheck the Maintain aspect ratio option and vertically scale the text down to 59%. Don't press Enter yet; keep the Transform active.

Scaling down the text layerScaling down the text layerScaling down the text layer

Step 4

Right-click on the Transform box and choose Perspective. Then click on the top-right point of the Transform box and drag it 22º to the left. After that, press Enter to apply the transformation.

Applying perspective to the textApplying perspective to the textApplying perspective to the text

Step 5

Now go to Window > Styles to open the Styles panel. The layer styles we created before will be in this panel. Search for the HOLO - A style and click on it to apply it to the layer.

After that, go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and set the Angle to 80º and Distance to 68 pixels.

The motion blur is going to help with the 3D effect on the final result.

Holo A layer with the layer style and motion blur appliedHolo A layer with the layer style and motion blur appliedHolo A layer with the layer style and motion blur applied

Step 6

Press Control-J to duplicate the layer, and rename the copy to HOLO - B. After that, go to the Styles panel and click on the HOLO - B style.

Second layer of the holographic effect createdSecond layer of the holographic effect createdSecond layer of the holographic effect created

Step 7

Go to the Layers panel and expand the HOLO - B layer to see all its effects. Then double-click on the Motion Blur filter to edit it. Set the Angle to 90º and Distance to 42 px.

After that, pick the Move Tool (V) and move the HOLO - B layer 60 px up.

Editing the Motion blur filterEditing the Motion blur filterEditing the Motion blur filter

Step 8

Select both HOLO - B and HOLO - A layers and convert them into one smart object. Then double-click on the new layer to open the Layer Style panel. After that, add an Outer Glow with these settings:

  • Blend Mode: Normal
  • Opacity: 19%
  • Noise: 0%
  • Color: #3253ff
  • Technique: Softer
  • Spread: 18%
  • Size: 156 px
  • Contour: Linear
  • Anti-aliased: On
  • Range: 100%
  • Jitter: 0%

Then, click OK to close the Layer Style panel.

creating outer glow layer stylecreating outer glow layer stylecreating outer glow layer style

Step 9

Go to the Actions panel and click on the Stop Recording icon.

Finishing the actionFinishing the actionFinishing the action

And We're Done!

Here's how the end result of hologram Photoshop action should look:

Holographic 3d text effectHolographic 3d text effectHolographic 3d text effect

In this tutorial, we created a holographic text effect Photoshop action. First, we created two layer styles, and then we merged both of them and applied a motion blur to simulate a 3D effect. Now you can apply the same text effect to any font you want with a single click.

To play it, you need to select the action Holographic Text Effect and click Play on the Actions panel.

I hope you have enjoyed this hologram Photoshop tutorial. If you are looking for more hologram text effect Photoshop effects, take a look at this collection from Envato Elements:

Hologram Text Effects (PDF, ASL, PDF)

Hologram text effectHologram text effectHologram text effect

In this pack of Photoshop effects, you will not only find a style which is pretty similar to the result of our hologram Photoshop tutorial, but also eight absolutely amazing styles to return to the 80s. All the effects are easy to apply, with fully editable results. You can easily change the colors and any element of the hologram design Photoshop effect.

Hologram Photoshop Action (ATN, PAT, PDF)

hologram photoshop actionhologram photoshop actionhologram photoshop action

If you want to apply a hologram design Photoshop effect to one of your photos, we've got this cool action with six color options. It's easy to use and customize due to the well-organized layer structure and a PDF file with all the instructions you may need. Don't miss this one!

Hologram Photoshop Action (ATN)

hologram photoshop actionhologram photoshop actionhologram photoshop action

This hologram Photoshop effect will create amazing artwork from your photo in a few simple clicks! In the help file of this product, you will find a link to a video tutorial which will teach you in-depth effect customization techniques. This is one of the best hologram Photoshop effects available on Envato Elements.

Artificial Intelligence 2 Photoshop Action (ABR, ATN, PAT)

Artificial Intelligence 2 Photoshop ActionArtificial Intelligence 2 Photoshop ActionArtificial Intelligence 2 Photoshop Action

Here's another great effect with endless customization possibilities and detailed video instructions. Besides a great effect, which has been tested across 30 photos, you will find a number of color presets. This effect will not disappoint you and will be a great addition to your collection of Photoshop hologram actions.

Glitch Logo or Text Effect (PSD, PDF)

Glitch Logo or Text EffectGlitch Logo or Text EffectGlitch Logo or Text Effect

In this package of Photoshop text effects, you will not only find a cool hologram style, but other glitchy and neon styles which you can apply to any text, vector, or logo. All the effects are fully editable PSD files with easy customization, thanks to the help file and well-organized layers. Try to use this one for creating Facebook covers or Instagram posts, and you won't regret it!

Want to learn something new besides the hologram text effect Photoshop action? Take a look at these amazing tutorials:

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